Adult Education
Socrates Cafe
Socrates Cafe is our monthly meeting place online to discuss topics related to philosophy, spirituality, science, history and religion. Readings will be provided prior to each session and suggested readings from participants are welcome. The sessions are at 10:00 am, generally fourth Saturday of the month and are one hour long. Sessions are open to non-members.
We have special topics related to Humanistic Judaism including looking at the Torah and Bible from an American Jewish Humanist perspective. What can we learn? Grab some coffee, hot chocolate or whatever your home cafe table desires and join us for some relaxed informal and, hopefully, very interesting discussions.
Yiddish Group
Yiddish group at Kol Shalom Center, 2014
Begun in 1998 by Selma Zack, our group is now led by our engaging Yiddish speaker and teacher, Benson Schaeffer . We meet once per month. It's been a delightful experience of freylach (joy, pleasure), sometimes speaking a zerbrochene (broken) Yiddish, having a gut gelechter (good laugh) many times during a meeting, singing Yiddish songs, and becoming a close-knit group of chaverim (friends, comrades). We translated some stories from English to Yiddish in the form of short plays. In so doing we honored one of the richest contributions of Jewish secular-humanistic culture, the brilliant Yiddish theater of 19th and 20th century Eastern Europe and the United States.