Humanistic Judaism: Believing What We Say, Saying What We Believe.
Kol Shalom celebrates Jewish life cycle ceremonies as cultural expressions of the cycles of both nature and human life and of events in Jewish history. Using language that is true to our humanistic approach, we feel free to adopt traditional observances that we find meaningful, to adapt others, and to create new forms that meet the needs of present generations. At the same time, we strive to create a setting that is welcoming and appealing to our diverse Jewish and intercultural members.
Kavod ("Honor" awardees for community service 2012
Humanistic bar mitzvah observance
Jewish Life Ceremonies
Kol Shalom observes and celebrates significant milestones in our lives in ways that reflect our humanistic values while honoring cultural and family traditions. Ceremonies are created in partnership with the celebrants to honestly and meaningfully reflect our beliefs and incorporate desires of the celebrants. Kol Shalom members count among them lay-leaders experienced in creating and leading lifecycle ceremonies, as well as one member who is a Madrikha (Secular Humanist Leader ordained by the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism.)
Please contact the Kol Shalom office to arrange an officiant or ceremonial leader for your ceremonial celebration.
Baby Naming Ceremonies honor both boys and girls and may be held during a Shabbat service or in a home.
Our two-year Mitzvah Program leads to a community B’nai Mitzvah celebration. Note: include link to the mitzvah program.
Funeral and Memorial Services are presented as a celebration of life offering meaningful readings with time for family and friends to share thoughts and memories. Kol Shalom is a member congregation of the Jewish Cemetery at River View. See here for more information concerning the cemetery.
An Adoption Ceremony is available for those intercultural persons interested in becoming part of the Secular Humanistic Jewish family.
Kol Shalom can provide an officiant for wedding, baby naming, B'nai Mitzvah, and memorial life cycle events. Kol Shalom welcomes the ideas and participation of all members in the creation and implementation of our life cycle ceremonies.
Please contact Kol Shalom: 503-459-4210 or Email us for more information.