Kol Shalom's Sunday School program gives our kids age appropriate Jewish experiences that feature immersion in Jewish culture, history and ethics, along with a great opportunity to be with other Jewish kids and families.
Our aleph and bet classes are for ages 5-10. Classes meet two Sundays per month at the Mittelman Jewish Community Center in Portland (near Hillsdale).
Our two year mitzvah preparation program includes classes that meet one Sunday per month at the Kol Shalom Center.
Classes are small and personal. Aleph and bet classes usually have fewer than ten students while mitzvah classes usually have about three students.
Our congregation is affiliated with the Society for Humanistic Judaism. Our program aligns with the philosophy and beliefs of the movement. We emphasize the humanistic aspects of Judaism and omit supernatural practices and instruction.
You can find out more about our Sunday School program, including personnel, curriculum and costs, here.