Welcome to the Socrates Cafe. The philosophy of Socrates was simply to ask as many questions as possible. This will be a once per month drop-in discussion group. Each meeting will concentrate on one topic that relates to Humanistic Judaism under the guidance of facilitator, Dan Greenspan.
The topic for the first session is: “The Effect of Mixed Marriage on Society/ families/Humanistic Judaism”.
The Socrates Cafe is the evolution of one of the most popular activities at Kol Shalom: The Sounding Board. The Socrates Cafe will fill the gap providing a new forum to the many members who look forward to discussing interesting topics.
Come and enjoy a lively, enlightening, and totally civil discussion. No politics, elected officials, or Constitutional Law will be allowed for discussion. All members are invited along with their guests. You are urged to bring topics for discussion in order to make our sessions as interesting and stimulating as possible.