Kumt un lomir tsuzamen farbrengen (let's get together).
Join us in our exploration of Yiddish as a language and a culture. We'll hear and see three songs on YouTube, read them together in translation, and talk about their words and meanings. The Songs are: Vu Iz Dos Gesele?, Where Is the Little Street?, a song of longing for a lost home; Di Krenetse, The Well, a love song in a natural setting; and Papirosn, Cigarettes, a touching song about child poverty (attached). Then we'll read a poem, Di Tsirkus Dameh, The Circus Lady by Celia Dropkin, very earthy (attached). Next, a treat, we'll listen to James Cagney speaking Yiddish. In closing we'll read some new-ish Yiddish words about booster shots.
Join in the fun and hear and maybe learn a little Yiddish along the way.